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Poster image for the film The Last Ecstatic Days
Film (Documentary)
Official Empact partner

The Last Ecstatic Days

92 supporters
Campaign Goals

Our 2024 Impact Campaign Goals:1

. Train and empower 50 death doulas with impact partners to provide free end-of-life care.



Reach 20,000 viewers worldwide

to transform the stigma around death and facilitate nurturing end-of-life conversations.

3. Host 20 Institute of Psychedelics and Death panels

to bring awareness and reflections on the intersection of conscious psychedelic, death, & adjacent practices.Shaping a future where end-of-life experiences are filled with empathy, healing and community 🌎

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A documentary 🎥 about a man with brain cancer who uses viral social media posts to discover a death-care community—a journey of teaching the world how to see and sit with fear, transforming it into acceptance, love, and the ultimate care.